
We recommend to take a look at Wagi777's Featured Slots! Each slot game below is engineered for a fair and long lasting experience where the chances of winning are higher! Try them now!


Super Ace by Jili

Super Ace by Jili is a dynamic online slot game themed on cards with the adrenaline rush of a roulette wheel. The reels have symbols taken from playing cards as well as the lucky sevens and sparkling gems. A dynamic bonus feature such as wilds, scatter and a ahead of time engaging bonus round where players can test their luck in a high stakes card game, "Super Ace" is packed with action and big prizes. If you are a skilled casino player or just a beginner on the casino floor, Super Ace has got you covered with a thrilling gaming experience for all.

Fortune Tiger by Lucky 365

The Fortune Tiger is a mystical slot machine that is playable online coming from the arsenal of Lucky 365. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of this game, spin the reels with the hope to be a rich guy. The spin gives the watcher a chance to win a grand prize with symbols having tiger icons as the sources of enlightenment. Bringing Lucky 365 an entertaining trip, fortune and a brilliant operating with the Fortune Tiger game is ready for the online casinos too.

Candy Candy by Spade Gaming

Candy Candy by Spadegaming is a lively and thrilling online casino slot game that takes players on a sweet journey through a land of candies and sweets. On a colorful candy landscape the players spin the reels with candy symbols such as lollipops, gummy bears, chocolate bars and more. The tempting features with free spins, multipliers, and candy-themed mystery games guarantee non-stop enjoyment and the chance to win mouthwatering rewards. Whether you are a sweet tooth or you are just an exciting slot game lover, the game "Candy Candy" offers you a fun filled gaming it is thoroughly designed to fit you and your friends.

Mermaid Sling by Yes Bingo

Yes Bingo get your to explore a breathtaking underwater world with Mermaid Sling slot, a spellbinding online slot game that will get your heart beating. You will be under the spell of mermaid wards` magic if you turn the reels in search of mysterious underwater world in the eyes of mermaids` lovers. Mermaid Sling has fantastic graphics and one of the best gameplay in water, keeping every gameplay amazing. Such a magical journey under the sea as the Mermaid Sling will be a big part of your life.

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fish games tarabet banner

In today's fast-paced world, finding time to unwind and relax is more important than ever. Wagi777's fishing games offer the perfect escape, allowing players to unwind and de-stress while enjoying hours of entertainment. Whether you're looking for a quick fishing session to pass the time or a leisurely afternoon spent exploring virtual fishing spots, Wagi777 has everything you need to relax and recharge. Featured fishing game providers below :


Spinix Fish Game

Enjoy an adventurous online fish game Spinix. Drop your virtual nets, nab beautiful aquatic monsters, and get breathless bonuses. Just imagine, a huge diversity of fish swimming all around you, all the time giving you unexpected joy. Catching fish is only a part of it – our Fish Game is rewarding with every play a pleasant experience and a source of great profit. Enjoy the game, make a cast and catch the array of bonuses with Spinix fishing game.

Fish Game by Spadegaming

Spadegaming sessions do not only imply various water benefits options but also indicate great opportunities to get awesome discounts and deals that will help you in your gaming career. Your senses penetrate you more by each strut on virtual waves to find out amazing discounts and rewards up the water level. Not only the online casino fishing game revolves around fish but it rewards players greatly like the treasures of the sea. Play and show a world of play where the fun of play subverts with its shock to accumulate great gains.

Fish Game by Lucky 365

Lucky 365 lets thrill of winning meet the fun of the ocean as punters cast virtual nets to fish not only underwater treasures but also the hefty bonuses and rewards. Imagine yourself by the virtual sea, enjoying the view of many different fish that represent all the various opportunities for bonuses and whatnot. The Lucky365 fishing game extends beyond the fish you get virtually; it’s the chance of a bumper harvest of bonuses that makes the experience not only pleasurable but also yielding. Let's fish together then, the more you fish, the more you get in our amazing fishing game

Dragoon Soft Fish Game

Fishing at the Dragoon Soft’s Sea comes with a lot of excitement; players cast their net and fish both for aquatic treasures and also for the bonuses and the rewards that yield profit. Visualize, in front of you there is a number of fish, every one of which is the representation of different options for additional benefits. While catching fish is the main thing we're about with our online casino fishing game, there is so much in terms of potential haul of bonuses; this makes the product loads of fun and rewarding. In other words put on your baits and collect bonuses and rewards in the ocean of our fishing adventure.

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From the moment you step into the virtual lobby of Wagi777, you're transported to a world where every spin of the roulette wheel, every shuffle of the cards, and every roll of the dice feels as real as if you were seated at a land-based casino. The live dealers, professionally trained and courteous, add a human touch to the gaming experience, creating an atmosphere that's both inviting and exhilarating. Go look at our recommended live games providers below :


Evolution Gaming Live Casino

Evolution Gaming's live casino offers you a range of options which are based on your gaming choices. Providing an upgraded experience as against standard games, it contains classic tables, novel games and strategic cards. Enjoy playing the game conveniently online which will convert your living room into a real casino. Get ready to embark into the vibrant realm of live casino with Evolution Gaming.

Live Casino by Pragmatic Gaming

Pragmatic Gaming provides realistic feel of live casino games through its online live casino which is headed by real dealers running the classic games of Blackjack, Roulette and Poker. Not just audio or video, but true to real life casino sounds, cards, roulette wheels and dice entertaining you in real time. Feel the thrill of a regular casino right at you home with Pragmatic Gaming's live casino platform which brings you the natural and social aspect of gaming in the virtual space.

Dream Gaming Casino Live

The online games from live casino by dream gaming have brought down the borders between fantasy and reality where every move, spin, and deal occurs as they happen live. the majority of these games are succeeded via the transmission of videos using an internet. Live casino online games (such as a table games, roulette, slots and lottery), so far as they are more than a simple source of entertainment, are a railroad ticket to the gaming world you can immerse into that brings some thing of your dreams to life. Feel the real-time enchanted glow, interact with real players and dealers and find a large array of games suiting all your most wild dreams.

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In Cock Fight, players have the opportunity to select their champion rooster and place their bets on the outcome of the match. Will you choose the fierce fighter with razor-sharp spurs, or the cunning strategist who outmaneuvers his opponents at every turn? With a variety of roosters to choose from, each with their own unique strengths and weaknesses, the choice is yours.

FEATURED Cockfight Game

Diamond Sabong 88

Diamond Sabong 88 offers the total online casino experience including the most exciting and fulfilling chicken fight game that certainly produces the real laughs. Roosters are more obvious in the cockpit. Any fight is a big chance to win much money. Feel the dynamic environment each battle you are fighting is a chance for you to take use of both luck and strategy. Feel the excitement pulsating in the air whenever your roosters fight for dominance and get a chance of beating all records.

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In the competitive landscape of online gaming, Wagi777 stands out for its higher chances of winning in the lottery game. Compared to other online casinos, Wagi777 boasts better odds and more frequent payouts, making it a favorite among lottery enthusiasts. Whether you're aiming for the grand prize or a smaller consolation prize, the odds are in your favor at Wagi777.

FEATURED Lottery Game

3D Lotto

The online lottery gaming makes the draw very simple and brings it to your fingertips allowing you to play youre favored games from the warmth of your home. It could be your laptop or mobile phone, excitement of lottery is only a click away; all the time, and in any place. A piece of real-time is actualized with the disclosure of every number which the virtual lottery numbers enjoy the cestatic epiphany of uncovering themselves. This transforms it into an exciting game still able to retain the core of the lottery draw and at the same time harmonies well with the convenience of playing online.

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Wagi777 is an official online casino app and is your destination for the unstoppable thrill of winning in the world of online casinos. The name of this webpage which means "to win" in tagalog and the number 7 being itself a lucky number, provides a wide selection of games to boost your winning odds. From classic table games like blackjack and roulette to advanced slot machines and live dealer games, Wagi777 accommodates every type of player. Encouraged by its bonus offerings, smooth gameplay, and a user-friendly interface, it has become a favorite among players who wish to profit maximally and feel the bittersweet taste of victory all day long. Register to Wagi777 today and experience wonderful wins.


The mission of Wagi777 is to provide a highly engaging and entertaining gaming platform to the delight of our customers. We aim to provide a wide assortment of rewarding games with the most innovative features and excellent customer service to greatly increase the opportunities of our players to win big and have a wonderful playing experience. The aim is to be the go-to place where winning isn’t just a dream but a lifestyle.


Our vision at Wagi777 is to develop a top-tier online casino platform where players can enjoy the adrenaline of winning. Our goal is to reinvent the online gaming industry by providing an environment that allows each player to feel like they can accomplish great things, fostering a community based on enthusiasm, integrity, and perpetual wins. Help us achieve our Mission and Vision by becoming an agent. Click here to become an agent or click the agent button below.


Wagi777's Terms and Conditions of Use

By accessing and using our website, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:The tower extension and sloped roof installation were completed. 1. Age Requirement You have to be at least 18 years old or the age of casino gaming in your region in order to use our services. We reserve the right to request for proof of age and suspend or terminate the account found to be in violation of this requirement. 2. Account Registration In order to use our games and services, you will need a Wagi777 account. You should ensure that the information you enter during the registration process is accurate and up-to-date. You acknowledge that you should keep the credentials of your account safe and should not share them with any third party. 3. Intellectual Property All the content on the Wagi777 website, including but not limited to logos, graphics, and game software, is owned by Wagi777 and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You cannot copy, alter, or distribute any content without our written approval 4. Fair Play We guarantee fairness and impartiality for all our users. All our games are independently tested and certified so as to comply with industry standards for fairness and randomness. 5. Deposits and Withdrawals To top up the balance in your Wagi777 account you can use the payment methods posted on our website. Withdrawal requests will be processed as required per the verification procedures and any existing withdrawal limits. 6. Bonuses and Promotions Every now and then, we may grant you bonuses and promotions to make your gaming interesting. These offers are under certain conditions including wagering requirements and eligibility criteria. Carefully read the terms of each promotion before participating. 7. Privacy Policy Your privacy is our concern. We process and apply your personal information according to our privacy policy that describes how we handle your data to protect your privacy rights. 8. Termination of Account We reserve the right to suspend/ terminate your account if found you have done things against these conditions or have behaved illegally and fraudulently. In such cases the remainders of the account balance are forfeited. 9. Amendment of Terms We may make any changes to the present terms and conditions at any time and those who may see such conditions would not be warned. Through the continued use of our services the updated terms are accepted. By entering the Wagi777 website, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted to adhere to her/ his provisions. If some part of these terms doesn't match with your opinion, please do not use our services.

Go to Blog  for more upcoming news and updates. Promotional offers also have their own terms and conditions of use depending on the promotion. Go to Promotion to see the terms and conditions of applying for a promotion.

Here are the FAQs about Wagi777. Answers below are just the general information of the webpage. Approach the customer service team for further questions or inquiries.

1. What is Wagi777? Wagi777 is an online casino platform whose main focus is to provide an exhilarating gaming experience that revolves around winning. 2. Is Wagi777 legal? Yes, Wagi777 fulfills all required laws and regulations ruling online casino gaming in the areas we operate. Players must be of legal casino gaming age within their jurisdictions before they can use our services. 3. How do I register on Wagi777? In order to create an account, just click on the "Sign Up" or "Register" button at the website and, consequently, you will follow the prompts which will require you to fill in necessary info. After your account has been created, you can start our games and use our services. 4.What games does Wagi777 present? Wagi777 is a game company that provides a wide range of games which include slot machines, table games such as blackjack and roulette, video poker, and live dealer games. 5. Is it safe to play on Wagi777? Yes, we value our player’s information and transaction security. We deploy leading-edge encryption technology and observe rigorously observed security procedures to create a secure gaming atmosphere. 6. Is there any bonus or promotion on Wagi777? Yes, bonuses and promotions are common here, they improve your gaming experience and reward your loyalty. These might include free spins, welcome bonuses, reload bonuses, and often are connected to specific games or events. 7. Do they have customer support on Wagi777? Yes, we provide customer support services to help you with any question or problem that you may have while using our service. There are several ways to reach out to our support team which include live chat, email and phone during stipulated time. Go to Articles for more information on how to contact customer support. 8. What responsible gaming measures does Wagi777 have? We are dedicated to propagating responsible gaming norms and in place providing relevant resources to help our players in staying healthy. This includes tools like deposit limits, self-exclusion options and access to information on responsible gaming organizations and resources among others.

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